Tuesday, October 25, 2011

For the Record: My Use of Blogs, Social Media, and My Personal Website

Twitter is fine for very short, quick messages. Anything even just slightly more substantial must be done elsewhere. My tweets are generally just random observations, updates, and pictures. I often tweet from my phone.

My personal website is where I put my most substantial content, content that I want to "endure". Having said that, I haven't added anything there recently and my personal website is in drastic need of a redesign, harsh editing, and more good content.

I use my blog to build my personal brand. If you want some "Greg Lange", that's where you need to go. My blog posts are essentially what you'd get if you had a conversation with me face to face (minus the hilarious homages I'm famous for).

I use Facebook mainly to keep up with friends and family. Also, anything I tweet gets posted to my wall over there. That's because a substantial number of people in my circle don't use Twitter but do use Facebook.

I like Google+ a lot. However, it is currently populated by "techies", social media "stars" (or "wannabes"), "hipsters", and "leftists". I don't really put much content up over there right now. I'd like to push my tweets over there easily but there doesn't seem to be a decent way to do that right now.

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