Saturday, March 3, 2007

4 Day Weekend

I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off from work.

I have a bunch of stuff to do and plus I feel like I just need a break.

I'm going to blog things I do during this time for posterity.

On Friday after work, I mowed the backyard and then headed over to a friend's house to play Settlers of Catan. My wife won. We had carne guisada. We also did some Wii bowling.

Today, I ate lunch at Alamo Cafe, went to Home Depot to pick up some tools, started the backyard stump removal project, watered the backyard, played basketball in the park, played Civ IV, and now I'm going to watch the Spurs' game and work on some math tests.

I'll have another exciting update on my activities tomorrow. It should be awesome.