Sunday, August 12, 2012

I like that opinion piece from CNN.

Here are the important parts:

  • Over the next 75 years, the federal government is projected to have $222 trillion more in liabilities than revenue if changes are not made.
  • The Democrat's proposal of taxing people who make more than $250,000 a year more will result in only $40 billion in more revenue each year.
  • The White House has no plan to deal with this problem and they don't like the plan put forth by the Republicans.
I don't understand how this big, looming problem is not an important part of the political discussion in America.  I don't understand why Obama and the Democrats are not criticized for not offering a plan to deal with this problem.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Nobody Likes the Rich

75% tax rate? The new president says he does not like the rich. Ouch. Nothing like that would ever happen in the USA, right?