According to the European Environment Agency “Global sea surface temperature is approximately 1 degree C higher now than 140 years ago”.
NASA puts the change in Global atmospheric temperature during the same period at 0.76 degree C. You don’t have to be a genius to note that the water has heated up faster than the air, which ought to be a pretty good indication that it has nothing to do with CO2. Air is an insulator compared to water, and the “greenhouse effect” is a sham.
If NASA has not completely misled us, the ocean temperatures are rising. But neither NASA nor the IPCC has considered the huge gravitational effects of other planets on the Earth’s fluids, mainly the ocean and the molten centre of the Earth, through friction. Gravitational forces of other bodies affecting the Earth are hundreds of thousands of times stronger than solar radiation.
Other studies state "Although observations and models confirm that recent warming is greatest in the upper ocean, there are widespread observations of warming deeper than 700 meters."
What’s happening is that gravitational pulls are warming the Earth, which is warming the oceans, and the oceans, when warmer, dissolve less CO2, which they release into the atmosphere, accounting for that increase.
From: (In the comments.)
Somebody needs to put together a web page that shows every purported cause of global warming. I think it'd be an interesting read.
I left the Times comment. Actually, we know that he gravitational pull of Jupiter heats the interior of its moon IO as it moves to periapsis of its orbit. When IO moves to the apoapsis of the orbit (farthest), the heating effect is lessened.
kevin at verdisle dot com
What is causing the change in the gravity the Earth experiences?
The Earth's orbit around the Sun is nearly circular. So, it's probably not that.
Also, gravity gets pretty weak as the distance between objects increase. The Wikipedia page on gravitation says: "The force of gravity is proportional to the mass of an object and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the objects."
What objects are near the Earth that exert enough varying gravity on the Earth to make a difference?
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